Get An Enphase Battery Installation From A Leading Installer
The Enphase all-in-one smart energy system will provide you with grid independence and enable you to have continuous access to renewable energy day and night. With the placement of multiple microinverters in the battery, Enphase keeps the power flowing and ensures your energy safety. Its ceaseless production is guaranteed, as aside from the reliability testing that the products pass through, there is a fail-safe system, which works like a backup for your backup and avoids any risks of failure. Shneyder Solar is ready to assist you in making an informed decision as well as have your Enphase Storage battery installed by a team of professionals. Click the button below and get registered for a free consultation.

Enphase Storage

Site Survey
An installer will visit your property to survey the installation site and give recommendations.

We offer an inclusive warranty to protect your system.

We have a team of installers with years of experience.

Full SGIP Rebates
Our team will apply for SGIP rebates when you choose to install a battery, saving you money in the long run.
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Renewable Energy All Over Texas and Beyond
With locations in Southern and Northern California, Texas, and Nevada, Shneyder Solar and its parent company, LA Solar Group, are expanding their operations rapidly. Our fast growth reaffirms the hard work we put in every day to provide our customers with the best experience and the most quality services.

How Enphase Storage Works
Enphase batteries are built in such a way to always provide you with a safe and reliable power supply. They have automatic smart backup switches and cobalt-free battery chemistry to avoid any possible risk or danger. You can be in complete control of your system and the energy it produces with a single app.
Enphase offers two different battery options to provide you with flexibility for meeting your specific needs. Both of them are all-in-one AC-coupled storage systems with different usable capacities of 3.4 kWh and 10.1 kWh. It allows you to easily maximize your backup potential with just the amount you need.
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