Nevada Solar Panel Installers

Hanwha QCell Q.Peak DUO-G5 Solar Module

Hanwha QCell Q.Peak DUO-G5 Solar Module

Now, more and more solar installers are offering Q cells to consumers and there’s a range of reasons we’ve been offering Q cells to customers for several years now. This isn’t something new to us, but as of late, we’ve been discussing the Q Peak Duo-G5 module and it’s important to understand what makes this module so unique compared to the other solar manufacturers. We here at Nevada Solar Power Installers want to explain the difference so that you can make the best decision for you property in Las Vegas.

So, the clever engineers realize if you cut a traditional solar square in half you can actually increase the performance and efficiency of the cell. I’m sure there are more scientific stuff that occurred to come to this conclusion but I’m not going to bore you with a bunch of big words. Anyways, a standard solar module has 60 cells these little squares while Q cell cut every one of them in half to make a hundred and twenty half cells. This resulted in higher efficiency and wattage of the module.

They also relocated the busbar diodes and junction boxes to push that efficiency and wattage even higher. The beauty to this breakthrough is it doesn’t add extra costs because all they’ve really done in simple terms is make it easier for the electricity from the Sun to travel through the cells.

With this new knowledge of the technology behind these specific modules, let’s talk about their efficiency. So, this module is the Q Peak Duo-G5 325 watt panel. This panel has 19.6% efficiency rating, which makes it a premium panel. If you compare this to LG Solar’s 340 watt Neon 2 or Panasonic’s 330 watt HIT panel you can see it’s in par with these name brands but it comes at a fraction of the cost which helps your return on investment.

Hanwha Q Cells Q.PEAK DUO-G5-325 325w Mono Solar Panel

Currently, the Q Peak Duo-G5 caps at 335 watts but Q cell says they’ll be releasing a new duo g6 later this year with a starting wattage of 340. Both the G5 and the G6 that will soon be released will be manufactured here in America at a facility in Georgia. Now, when comparing the performance or wattage of a panel to the LG Solar or Panasonic, you can see LG does have some modules that produce a little more power while Panasonic is lagging a little behind. We know this isn’t a name-brand product and it doesn’t come with a name-brand kind of warranty but it doesn’t come with your industry standard warranty.

Try to compare the linear performance warranty output percentage. This is the minimum guaranteed performance of the module. At year 25 and comparing this to LG Solar and Panasonic, you can see the Q cell will have at least 85% of its nominal power. By year 25, with LG Neon2 offering 84.8% and Panasonic offering 90.76%, this put Q Cell right above LG and just under Panasonic.

The last thing to review is the price and it’s worth noting the figures. We are providing our estimates and prices vary from region to region and company to company, so don’t hold these figures as exact to what you should get. But, as reference points, there’s a lot of factors that go into a project’s price besides the panels. With that said, a 20 panel Q Peak Duo-G5 325 watt solar system should run you between $18,000 to $21,000, which compared to an LG solar system or a Panasonic solar system, that comes in quite a bit more affordable.

Hanwha Q cell is a great solar manufacturer with a great product you’ll receive a high-efficiency premium panel with premium performance and a great warranty. Not to mention, this all comes at a price point that helps you save more money.  Get your quote from Nevada Solar Power Installers here!

The new Q. Peak Duo-G5 solar module from Q Cells impresses thanks to innovative Q.ANTUM DUO Technology, which enables particularly high performance on a small surface area.

Q.ANTUM’s world record cell concept has now been combined with state-of-the-art circuitry, half cells and a six-busbar design, achieving outstanding performance under real conditions- both with low-intensity solar radiation and on hot, clear summer days.

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